Thursday 17 April 2014

Our craft club every Friday 10am-1pm, Mission Hall, Chapel Road, Warlingham is going well and everyone enjoys getting together, having a chat, a cuppa and even a bit ABBA music in the background.
We all help each other with crafty problems and usually between us all are able to solve them.

Here are some photos of us all crafting, please come along and join in the crafty fun!

All busy crafting
This is Diana's rug she is making of Eore, its really coming along and will soon be finished.

This is Barbara's lovely easter card she has made. As you can see Barbara makes beautiful handmade cards.

Above is Ellen knitting. Ellen could not knit before coming to the crafty club, but with help from fellow crafter Carol , she is now a knitter and is making a jumper for her grandson. Well done Ellen!

Above is a white knitted jam jar top cover, Carol who is a very clever crafter can turn her hand to almost anything, she made this one morning.  Carol made a sweet knitted dolly at the crafty club, must get a photo for our next blog.