Tuesday 14 July 2015


Our craft club would like to welcome Jafrin who is our latest member. Jafrin is a natural at craft and I think she could turn her hand to most things. Another member Joan had an unfinished Tapestry (half cross stitch) which she bought in for Jafrin to learn and practice on. No worries for Jafrin she picked it up easily with Joan's help. Many years ago Joan had finished a tapestry which she framed, she bought it in to show us, really lovely with lots of work involved.

If you would like to find out more about tapestry, this Youtube video is very helpful

Joan teaching and helping Jafrin to stitch half cross stitch tapestry

Joan's finished tapestry

Jafrin's sewing, already a crafter!

Please visit https://www.etsy.com/shop/KaysKraftyGifts for handmade gifts.